Growing up in a Christian home, I came to a saving knowledge of the Lord very early in my life. This is something that has been a great joy to me, but has also been a cause of some confusion and doubt in my life. Although now I can remember the day that I came to the Lord in faith, this wasn’t always the case. The following is my testimony of when I became sure of my relationship with God and what it truly means to be a Christian..
Looking back on my earlier years, I struggled to remember the blessed day that I put my trust in the Lord for salvation, but with a sinking heart, I realized that I didn’t remember the exact moment. Doubts concerning my salvation filled my mind, and I didn’t know how to determine if I was truly saved or if I was simply going through the motions.
As my uncertainty grew, my trust and obedience in the Lord diminished, and I started slipping away from the Lord and pursued my own desires, not caring much about the Lord’s plans for my life.
But although I temporarily gave up on the Lord, He never gave up on me. As I sat under the preaching of God’s Word one week at camp, I finally saw the sinfulness that had crept into my heart and was greatly sorrowed because of it. One night the burden of my sin became too heavy for me to bear, and I tearfully went to the Lord in prayer and sought His merciful forgiveness. As I began to confess all of my doubts and confusion, I felt God’s everlasting love engulf me as my burden began to lift. My tears changed to tears of joy as I praised God with my lips and with my heart. Later that evening, while sharing my joy with others, I finally understood that my remembrance of the day and hour of trusting in the Lord wasn’t the key for my salvation, but my continued trust in the Lord and my living for Him every day of my life was what was truly important. Although I may not remember a particular prayer or a moment where my life completely turned from evil to good, I do see the daily fruits of the Spirit in my life, and I feel the desires in my heart to glorify and serve God. For the Lord did not give me a blind and empty faith but blessed me with a salvation that is living and evident. He gave me a changing lifestyle that has begun to mirror Christ’s life as I continue my journey towards future glorification in heaven.
To be completely honest, there are still some days when I have doubts concerning my salvation, but I am quickly reminded by the Lord that not by our works (or memories) are we saved, but by God’s grace alone. So when doubts or fears plague my thoughts, I turn to the Lord and His ever faithful promise,
“Come unto Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden … and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matt. 11:28-29)