Introduction: This is a poem depicting a lost sinner in a desperate search for answers from God. Is there meaning to life? Is there a purpose for suffering? As he listens carefully, the Lord answers him...
1. Where’s the Way
Shall I follow God’s will
Or choose my own path?
Follow Him in faith and receive peace so still
Or turn from Him and face the world’s wrath?
God’s way may seem hard
Sometimes nigh impossible
But you always have His promise
Of guidance and love impassable
The way of the world is alluring
It’s path sometimes so simple
But what shalt its profit come to in the end
Not even on the sea of life, a ripple
Is God’s will possible
Is it perfect and what’s best?
Can one follow in Christ’s footsteps
Or is this a fruitless quest?
On our own we are nothing
Vapors of air in endless time
Can we do anything of value
That in God’s eyes will be something?
What is the answer to this riddle
Why are we here if we are nothing
Is there an answer
O God, reveal unto us something
Thunder and lightning there is no answer
Fire and wind but fade away
But out of the stillness and quietness of heart
A still small voice tells of a day...
2. God’s Answer
Who is that Babe lying in the manger
To all the world a stranger?
Who is that man roaming the earth
Is His meaning of any worth?
Look and see, His wonders behold
Hear His stories, so wondrously told
Perhaps He’s a healer, or maybe a prophet
But His true glory is not revealed as of yet
Look, and see!
Is that the man hanging on a tree?
Nails in His hands, nails in His feet
How very soon with death He shall meet
“It is finished”, He did cry
Then lowering His head, did die
What did He do, a perfect man as He
To die such a death, nailed to a tree?
Dead, they did take Him
And brought Him to a tomb
Prepared and wrapped Him
And left Him for His doom
Who are those women, which are crying out so
What are they saying to the followers of that one?
“He is gone, He has risen!” They do shout to the crowd
Which two came out of and to the tomb they did run
There is the tomb, empty and bare
There are the wrappings He did wear
Where was the man; who had taken Him?
O God, wilt Thou shine light on this story so dim
He has risen, He’s alive
There He is, in the midst of five hundred
Who is this man, whose power’s so great?
“Jesus”, one cries
“Saviour”, one calls
Is this the man that didst die?
This is no man which sins and dies
This is the Son of God most high
He is holy and utmost wise
And unto the lost He brings salvation nigh
3. Conclusion
This is the answer, this is the way
No longer do we have to suffer each day
God sent a Saviour, His only Son
And for us, He has, the victory won
We are God’s creation
But fallen in sin
But no longer hopeless
And empty within
Mighty is God and worthy to be praised
By His hand, His Son did He raise
God is our refuge, our light in dark places
He forgives our sin and our person He graces
Spirit of God, O voice in the night
Thank You, I say, for this new sight
Long have I seen darkness and suffering
But now by God’s grace I see love and pure light.