September 4, 2010

Our Sin, God's Sacrifice

I’m not alone, what a wondrous thought. Often I feel so trapped, caught in the unwelcome circumstances brought upon by my own sinful choices.
How often when looked through our eyes
Our choices look wise
But when God provides insight
How soon we see the unsettling light.

How could any choice made in love be wrong? That is a question once asked by me, but how wrong I was. Love, a beautiful gift created by God, should not cause us to go against Him. Cut me, He did; but then and only then did I see my mistake - a sin so grave that it was the one time I was glad I could not behold my Saviour’s face. The anguish of being willfully ignored. The One who gave me everything, I turned my back upon and gave Him absolutely nothing. But when He wounded me, He opened my eyes. And I saw a more horrible sight than I could have ever imagined - my bleeding Saviour crying out my name in agony as I walked away without regret.

 O Father, please forgive Thy child. I confess my part in my Saviour’s death. My unworthiness and filth You have cleansed and have given me Thy Son’s righteousness, which has made me whiter than snow. I pray that I may serve You and You only forever. Never again betraying You to the cross. May Your holy name ever be praised for Thy unfailing love. Amen.

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